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Penniless Account Verification

Use this Sync API to get the bank account holder's name as per the bank. Please note that only limited banks have enabled Penniless so consider doing Bank Verification if a penniless failure is occurring.


Method: POST

Auth: Please refer to the Authorization page.

{ "account_number": "928674827482", "ifsc": "UTIB0000006", "reference_id": "test989292" //unique value }
{ "status": true, "statusCode": 200, "data": { "account_holder_name": "Richar Hendricks", "beneAccNum": "928674827482", "beneIfscCode": "UTIB0000006", "transcation_id": "TETRAREF22113036", "reference_id": "test989292", "status": "SUCCESS", "message": "Transaction Successfull!" }, "message": "Data processed" }

If a request receives the following response, it indicates that the bank does not support Penniless at the NPCI and bank levels. In such cases, please retry using the Bank Verification API.

{ "status": true, "statusCode": 200, "data": { "account_holder_name": "", "beneAccNum": "928674827482", "beneIfscCode": "UTIB0000006", "transcation_id": "TETRAREF22113036", "reference_id": "test989292", "status": "FAILED", "message": "Bank is not enabled for PennyLess. Please use Penny Drop API available at" }, "message": "Data processed" }

While testing, you may use the following sample values—

  • Invalid Account - Account Number: 123423567890, IFSC: UTIB0002083
  • Bank Not Support - Account Number 10023976470, IFSC: IDFB0080105
  • For Valid Account - You can use your bank account.