Create Sub VA
Use this API to create a sub-virtual account with UPI and funding accounts whitelisted.
Method: POST
Auth: Please refer to the Authorization page.
"name": "Richard Hendricks",
"settle_to": "SELF", //SELF (collected money will remain in sub VA) or PARENT (Will settle to Master VA)
"udf1": "Peid Piper", //optional
"udf2": "", //optional
"udf3": "", //optional
"reference_id": "Ref-45f83cb4-25e7-420f-86af-98d5ce39d3e1",
"business_name": "Business Name or individual name goes here",
"pan": "pan of the above business or individual goes here",
"isWhitelistAccount": true, //true for receiving money from whitelisted accounts and false for any account
"WhitelistAccount": [
"name": "Richard",
"accountNumber": "62849068232345",
"ifsc": "IDIB000M222"
"status": true,
"statusCode": 200,
"data": {
"vaId": "SVA0022913",
"name": "Richard Hendricks",
"accounts": [
"account_number": "77220023013",
"ifscCode": "UTIB0CCH274",
"upi": "richar@axisbank"
"createdVia": "API",
"reference_id": "Ref-45f83cb4-25e7-420f-86af-98d5ce39d3e1",
"udf1": "Peid Piper",
"udf2": "",
"udf3": "",
"createdAt": "2023-11-16T14:52:16.865Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-11-16T14:52:16.865Z"
"message": "Created Sucessfully!"