ENACH Mandate Registration
Use this API to initiate a mandate registration. The payer can then authorize the request using one of the supported modes.
- Debit Card
- Net banking
- Aadhaar
API URL: https://api.bulkpe.in/client/enach/mandateregistration
Method: POST
Auth: Please refer to the Authorization page.
"reference_id": "232342424", //unqiue reference id
"consumer_urn": "232323232",
"user": {
"name": "James Bond",
"account_number": "2424234242424",
"account_type": "Savings", //savings, current
"ifsc": "UTIB0CCH274"
"start_date": "2025-01-01",
"end_date": "2030-01-01",
"amount": 200,
"amount_rule": "max", //fixed or max
"category_code": "L002", //NPCI category code
"frequency": "Monthly", //
"redirection_url": "https://bulkpe.in",
"authentication_mode": "Debitcard"
"transaction_id": "ENACH1213232",
"reference_id": "Internal1718712497",
"status": "Initiated",
"message": "Mandate registration initiated",
"data": {
"mandate_id": "2323242423",
"mandate_status": "PENDING"