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Bulkpe BBPS

Bulkpe BBPS (Bharat Bill Payment System) APIs allow businesses to seamlessly make utility bill payments. Payments are debited from your Bulkpe Virtual Account, and the biller receives the payment instantly.

Get the Postman Collection from here 

Retrieve the list of supported bill categories (e.g., Electricity, Water, Credit Card, etc.)

Fetch the list of billers available within a specific category (e.g., Credit Card billers include ICICI, HDFC, etc.)

Enter the required details (e.g., Consumer ID, Account Number) to retrieve the due bill amount and other bill-related information.

Process the bill payment by specifying the amount to be paid. The amount will be debited from the Bulkpe Virtual Account and instantly credited to the biller.

Check the status of a previously made bill payment using a unique transaction ID.

Retrieve the transaction history, including all its details, and statuses.

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