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Guide on Docs AI

Tired of sifting through endless pages of API documentation? Say goodbye to the frustration and hello to Bulkpe Docs AI, your AI-powered API assistant. It's like having a knowledgeable expert on hand to answer all your API-related questions, right within your browser.

1. Ask questions in plain language: Forget the technical wording. Just type your question in a conversational style, and Bulkpe Docs AI will understand and provide a clear, concise answer.

2. Save time scrolling: No more searching for hours through documentation. Bulkpe Docs AI delivers accurate information in seconds.

3. Get real-time samples: Need help implementing an API call? Bulkpe Docs AI provides code snippets and examples to get you started quickly.

In short, Bulkpe Docs AI is your ultimate API companion, designed to make integration easier, faster, and more enjoyable.

Now, let's dive into the powerful features of Bulkpe's APIs, which Bulkpe Docs AI can help you explore: By combining Bulkpe Docs AI with our comprehensive API suite, you can unlock a world of possibilities for your fintech projects. Whether you're building a payment gateway, a lending platform, or any other financial solution, Bulkpe has the tools and expertise to help you succeed.

Ready to get started? Click on the Docs AI button on the top right and experience the power of Bulkpe Docs AI for yourself!

1. Natural Language Understanding: Ask your questions in plain English (or any language you prefer!). Bulkpe Docs AI understands natural language queries, so you can express yourself naturally and get accurate answers.

2. Instant Responses: Forget about endless searching and waiting. Bulkpe Docs AI delivers precise information in seconds, saving you valuable time and effort.

3. Code Examples & Snippets: Get practical guidance with code examples and snippets tailored to your specific questions, making implementation a breeze.

4. Personalized Assistance: Bulkpe Docs AI learns from your interactions, tailoring its responses to your needs. The more you use it, the more it understands your preferences.

You: I want the cURL API for payout.

Bulkpe Docs AI: To initiate a payout using the Bulkpe Payouts API, you can use the following cURL request:

curl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_TOKEN>' \ --data-raw '{ "amount": 1, "account_number": "77220101845051", // Beneficiary account number "payment_mode": "UPI", // IMPS, RTGS, UPI, NEFT are allowed "reference_id": "xxxxx-test6", // Unique ID "transaction_note": "Refund03", // Optional "beneficiaryName": "xxxxx", "ifsc": "FDRL0007777", // IFSC code of beneficiary bank "upi": "aintworried@axl" // UPI ID (only for UPI mode) }


  • Replace <YOUR_API_TOKEN> with your actual Bulkpe API token.
  • Ensure you fill in the correct details for the beneficiary (account number, IFSC code, or UPI ID depending on the payment_mode).
  • You can find more information and examples in the Bulkpe Payouts API documentation.

Enhance your API interactions with the precision and ease offered by Bulkpe Docs AI. Click on the Docs AI button on top right to explore its full capabilities and streamline your integration processes. Begin your journey towards efficient and innovative payment solutions today.