Payout from Sub VA
Use this API to make a payout from a sub-virtual account. Post the payout initiated and then processed, you will receive a callback from our system (setup callback) with the status of the Payout or you can call the Fetch Transaction Status API to get the payout status.
Method: POST
Auth: Please refer to the Authorization page.
"amount": 1,
"account_number": "7722771002",
"payment_mode": "IMPS", //IMPS, UPI, RTGS, NEFT allowed
"reference_id": "TNX00121", //unqiue ID
"transcation_note": "test", //optional
"beneficiaryName": "Sathya",
"ifsc": "UTIB0CCH274",
"vaId": "TESVA0040" //from which the debit should happen
"upi": "aintworried@axl" //conditional based on payment_mode (only for UPI)
"status": true,
"statusCode": 200,
"data": {
"beneCode": "APIBENEF3164909",
"beneName": "Sathya",
"beneAccNum": "7722771002",
"beneIfscCode": "UTIB0CCH274",
"beneAcType": 10,
"transcation_id": "TRAREF0003164908",
"amount": 1,
"payment_remark": "test",
"payment_mode": "UPI",
"status": "PENDING",
"vaId": "SVA003",
"message": "Transaction Initiated!"
"message": "Transcation Processing"