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Fetch Payment Status

Check the status of a previously made bill payment using a unique transaction ID.


Method: POST

Auth: Please refer to the Authorization page.

Note: You need to use the transactionId received in the API response of Make Bill Payment API here, to get the status.

{ "transactionId": "BBPS00020" //get value from Make Bill Payment API }
{ "status": true, "statusCode": 200, "data": { "billerId": "ICIC00000NATSI", "category": "Credit Card", "billerName": "ICICI Credit card", "reference": "hello004", "transactionId": "BBPS00020", "fetchId": "hello004", "transactionType": "VA", "npciRef": "NS01433323232323232", "amount": 1, "charge": 2, "gst": 0.36, "totalCharge": 2.36, "status": "SUCCESS" }, "message": "Status fetched!" }